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Opinionated Community ChatThe Opinionated Community provide a live real-time Chat Room in addition to the Message Boards. The Chat room uses IRC (Internet Relay Chat) as its base, and so can be accessed either through the integral Java chat applet provided, or through IRC chat clients such as mIRC or Microsoft Comic Chat. The Chat room becomes most active from about 8pm each evening, but is certainly at its busiest on the DooYoo Team Chat nights, when some of the staff members from dooyoo.co.uk come by to exchange ideas with the OpCom members. To help you get the most from chat, there are several pages within this Chat section. There are transcripts from the DooYoo Team Chat nights. There are guidelines to how the DooYoo Team chats run (as special procedures apply for such busy events). There is a software page to provide you with a special, custom mIRC script already configured for the OpCom Chat Room. Finally, there is a Java Chat page that lets you get straight into chat without needing to install anything. The main thing, as always, is to have fun and make new friends with others from the Opinionated Community. TheKnight |
Chat Index | Software | Java Chat | Guidelines | Transcripts |
Opinionated Community | Forums | Pictures | DooYoo
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