; (Alternate) Nick-Finder Script #2 by The BlaŠk Knight. ; This is an alternative Nick-Finder for BlaŠk S@tin ScŽipt ; Which does away with the custom window and uses the ; message box prompts instead. Its a bit neater and smaller ; than the original nick-finder script, but retains all features. alias F12 { if (# == $null) { echo -a Cannot check nicklist - No channel detected. halt } set %nfwin $active set %nfprior $editbox(%nfwin) set %nfdcstat $chat(0) :nfdccheck if (%nfdcstat == 0) goto entrnick if ($chat(%nfdcstat) == %nfwin) { set %nfwin = $+ $chat(%nfdcstat) goto entrnick } else { dec %nfdcstat 1 goto nfdccheck } :entrnick set %nfnick $?="Enter a group of one or more characters in the nick you want to find" if (%nfnick == $null) goto ender set %nfcheck 0 :nfsearch inc %nfcheck 1 if ($nick(#,%nfcheck) == $null) { if ($?!="No match found in # .Do you wish try different characters?" == $true) goto entrnick else goto ender } if (%nfnick !isin $nick(#,%nfcheck)) goto nfsearch if (%nfnick isin $nick(#,%nfcheck)) { set %nffound $nick(#,%nfcheck) if ($?!="Is %nffound the nick you want?" == $true) { editbox -a %nfprior %nffound goto ender } } goto nfsearch :ender unset %nf* halt }