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Opinionated Community Chat<TheKnight> Okay, Corin is unable to attend tonight, and has just asked me to pass on his sincere apologies <MykReeve> So, the subject for discussion this week is the crown system. <MykReeve> And the first topic for debate is how well we think the current system is operating., <MykReeve> If you want to comment on that - say "aye" <ScotGirl> aye <lavitally> aye <kensplace> aye <Lordpercy> aye <Necropolis> aye <jo1l> aye <TheKnight> Aye <thanatos> aye. <JillMurphy> nay ;-) <MykReeve> once the debate begins, please message me if you want to contribute something. <MykReeve> Thanks. <MykReeve> OK. The first speaker is ScotGirl - the floor is yours. <ScotGirl> I think it is very hit and miss - I'm not convinced that all ops are read by cat managers. Some really good ones slip through. <ScotGirl> if it is to work then ALL opinions must be considered <ScotGirl> thats all :) <MykReeve> Thanks Liz. Oh, just one further point - when you've finished you've finished making your point, please let me know everyone! <MykReeve> Next speaker is lavitally. <lavitally> okay... <lavitally> well, I think it should be clarified <lavitally> as to how crowns are awarded <lavitally> I was (ta Jo) under the distinct impression <lavitally> that we *could* nominate reviews for crowns <lavitally> and that comments were taken into account <lavitally> If this is the case Dooyoo should make it clear on their site If not <lavitally> we should find out exactly how they are awarded and ditto what Liz said <lavitally> and that's all. :o) <MykReeve> Thanks lavitally, next speaker; kensplace. The floor is yours. <kensplace> thanks <kensplace> I agree with liz, not all ops seem to be read, lots slip through. <kensplace> Also I have seen crowns that containg factuall errors (basic facts should be checked) <kensplace> Mainly I think it is unbalanced and not that fair until all good ops get a crown. <kensplace> thats all for now folks <MykReeve> Next speaker, LordPercy. <Lordpercy> Why thank you....young man.... <Lordpercy> The crown system is one of the areas I feel is working relatively well and I wouldn't like to see DooYoo tinker too much <Lordpercy> It provides motivation to write good opinions <Lordpercy> Obviously the guidelines are a bit vague but that is my only criticism. <Lordpercy> thats it short and sweet just like me lol <MykReeve> And now the Necmeister...! I think we all know how he feels about crowns... but let's let him have his say... <Necropolis> Mr speaker, ladies and gentlemen... <Necropolis> I think crowns undermine the ratings system <Necropolis> Should a crowned op be the top in category? <Necropolis> If not then clearly they are not the ideal op and not something that should be promoted as an aspiration <Necropolis> If they are then clearly the system does not work <Necropolis> The criteria for a crowned op puts entertainment value ahead of usefulness <Necropolis> That contradicts what dooyoo stands for in terms of consumer advice <Necropolis> Also that one person picks an op to be given a crown is not fair <Necropolis> The ratings an op receives is from the community at large <Necropolis> No one person can sway the opinion of an op <Necropolis> Crowns allow this to happen. That one person's preference is put forwards <Necropolis> People will feel that it should be VU because it has a crown (those here excepted) <Necropolis> If that is the case then the ratings are being manipulated by DooYoo themselves <Necropolis> The ends <MykReeve> Hm... a paradox to ponder upon. The floor passes to jo1l. <Necropolis> (whispers Jo left) <MykReeve> bum. <MykReeve> In that case, it's TK's turn. <TheKnight> I like crowns - as a general thing. I still remember the thrill of getting my first one and I haven't had so many that its jaded. I think it does inspire people to better efforts, but I do think there is room for improvement. <TheKnight> I don't think it undermines ratings, which is why ratings takle precedence <TheKnight> think of it rather as an 'Editor's Pick' <TheKnight> I do think there are problems in that standards have risen so much that earlier ops that were crowned are no longer so good <Blackjane> I think that it would never be possible to award a crown to all the very excellent opinions on Dooyoo. <Blackjane> However, those that are awarded, in perhaps 40-50% of cases, appear to be well deserved. There are many more awards, however, that beggar belief. <Blackjane> We should accept that the situation is not perfect, nor can it be. It is merely another tool that dooyoo has at its disposal to keep the interest of us readers. <Blackjane> The fact that that some people can see through this is proabbly not important in the scheme of things. <Blackjane> That's All Folks (I think!) <Blackjane> (Other than the fact that TK seemed to sum it up quite well) <Blackjane> oopS! sorry <TheKnight> no problem <TheKnight> In short I like crowns but think more can be done and improved. Thats all <MykReeve> Cool. Thanks TK. Next speaker is thanatos. <thanatos> Ok...Nec kind of said this already said some of this, but here's my thoughts... <thanatos> I have seen some crowns that are nice to read, entertaining, <thanatos> but no use. They often are factually incorrect like ken said. <thanatos> I think it would be better if crowns were RELATED to ratings. <thanatos> If a op is rated high, or recommended for a crown, it gets one. <thanatos> Having one person say that an op is good at random isn't a great system IMO. <thanatos> But the idea of rewarding good opinions is nice. <thanatos> that's all. <MykReeve> We've had Blackjane's comment ( queue jumper :) ), so now it's ermintrude's turn. <ermintrude75> thanks <ermintrude75> well I kind of wanted to respond to a couple of things <ermintrude75> is that ok? <MykReeve> Go ahead. <ermintrude75> first, to kensplace (I think) - about factual errors <ermintrude75> category managers are great, but they can't know everything about their categories <ermintrude75> so it would be impossible for them to check every op I think <ermintrude75> and then to Nec's point about crowned ops being top in category <ermintrude75> I see your point - I also think that maybe shows up inadequacies in the ratings system as well <ermintrude75> and finally to thanatos <ermintrude75> about crowns being somehow awarded automatically <ermintrude75> wouldn't that be a huge incentive to ratings cartels? <ermintrude75> just some points to ponder - not picking fault, just furthering discussion :) <ermintrude75> that's all |
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