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Corin: One thing we have found by leading the way
with the community functions is that the action of opinionating
is just as fun and valid on sublects that are product / service
related and more 'serious' ones so we are responding to the needs
of a community growing very fast and the enclosed space that it
has to operate in currently
Corin: we are re-defining the model that our frinds
try to emulate
TheKnight: One thing that is constantly of concern
to us all is policing it all
Corin: The policing is a concern to us too - but
difficult to control short-term, by providing areas for people to
blow steam off we hope that will leave the serious part alone
Necropolis: Are we ever going to see useful guidelines
on using the site?
TheKnight: We generally all seem to reach a concensus
thet clearer guidelines, would help people to realize what is expected
Corin: True - but when there is cash involved the
stakes rise and many people don't much care for rules. It is a shame
but only a minor irritation
Necropolis: But the rest of us still feel that
guidlines would be useful
Cookie36: ditto Nec
Whitehorse: Yes I agree Nec
lily7star: me too
zebra: and me
millwall23: Me too :)
kensplace: me too
TheKnight: We sometimes feel that they have to
rather 'search' to find some of the rules, could they not be made
a little more notable and user friendly?
JillMurphy: As it seems more than a minor irritation
to many.
Corin: Guidelines - done deal then
sue_ellen: thank you
Necropolis: thank you
TheKnight: great stuff
lily7star: good :)
Corin: What I will do is get the guidelines together
- post them and get your feedback
Cookie36: but guidelines in plain english
TheKnight: great stuff Corin
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